Minor summer updates

Wondering what we've done this Summer? You probably don't know unless someone's told you about our new 'about' page.

What we've been doing

Inside Cashboard, at the bottom of each screen there's an About link. Inside is a detailed log of what we've been up to for the last few months.

Here are some of the highlights...

'Import items' is gone, long live 'Duplicate'

If you've been a customer for any length of time you'll know that we're constantly refining the Cashboard interface and workflow shortcuts based on your feedback.

We've made a tweak to the way you can re-use Projects, Invoices, and Estimates that will save you a few minutes and make your day easier.

Before if you wanted to use a Project as a template, you'd need to actually create one, then use an 'import items' function on the new Project. Lots of customers told us this was backwards, and we've listened.

If you want to make a copy of any the above mentioned items, now all you need to do is navigate to one, then select Duplicate from the 3 bar menu in it's toolbar.

PS: This respects all lists you've created inside a Project - which is great for work that you do constantly for multiple clients.

More flexible Assigned IDs

Another minor annoyance for our customers was the inability to reset the Assigned ID scheme used to number Invoices and Estimates.

We've provided a simple way for you to "restart" the numbering from a scheme of your choice, easily from the Settings > Preferences screen.

Fixes, tweaks, and more fixes

We understand that for a lot of you new features are exciting, but we also place high importance on software that just works. You'll notice we've been hard at work, fixing bugs, and updating odds and ends in the app to make everything a bit more solid.

We hope you appreciate the effort.

Written by Seth B

Seth is equal parts designer & engineer, who's worked on the web since 1996.
He's the founder of Subimage LLC & lead designer of Cashboard.

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